
Micro plates
Enrique and I met last week to talk about the presentation of the work and some final ideas to consider. We have set a date for the show...

Just a peek of the work done in the Macro side of the project.

EEC Process
Microscope slide The micro images will be printed in microscope slides like this one. This slide is 60 mm x 26 mm, however, the actual...

I have been working on the prints from the digital files that Enrique Escobedo-Cousin sent. This are medical electrodes which were...

what is NICAP? The Newcastle University Institute for Creative Arts Practice provides a hub for the creative arts at the University. It...

Work in progress
I have been eager to do some tests on how I will work with Enrique's images. I am checking the size of the image, the colour of the paper...

How do we make the images for this project?
Enrique and I have met to talk about the images that we want to present at the end of this project. There are limitations to set each...

Happy News! Enrique and I have been awarded by Newcastle University Institute for Creative Arts Prac
As two Mexicans living and working in the UK we are interested to join our practice and produce a project that can be exposed...